The Humble If Statement in your Resume Creation

It's often necessary to have more than one version of your resume. You might want to highlight different attributes of yourself for various different reasons. Perhaps for targeting different industries, or for different roles within a company. Sometimes you want to highlight certain skills, other times they may be superfluous. For whatever the reason, many … Continue reading The Humble If Statement in your Resume Creation

Turn your Github Profile into a Beautiful Dynamic Portfolio Website in under an hour for free!

I recently worked with some friends (Edmund He and Chris Jung) to create a tool that can (almost?) automatically turn your Github Profile into a Beautifully rendered portfolio website quickly and easily. We wanted to build a tool that could be used by developers who are not necessarily web dev savy. Something that was quick … Continue reading Turn your Github Profile into a Beautiful Dynamic Portfolio Website in under an hour for free!

Getting csv files from your gmail

TL;DR If you want to skip all the details in this post I've put together a Github repo that makes getting csv data from gmail as simple as: here is the repo: Just follow the instructions in the README and have fun and please feel free to contribute! Heres how it works under the … Continue reading Getting csv files from your gmail

Perception is Everything…as far as I know (and S3 Buckets)

So we've just started transitioning to using AWS S3 buckets at work (finally!).  Moving away from a Windows OS fileserver that was being used to store data for people using both windows and unix ec2 instances. Switching to s3 and moving our data in, will make it much easier for us to write code that … Continue reading Perception is Everything…as far as I know (and S3 Buckets)

Python: Pandas → MySQL using SQLAlchemy. A.k.a SQLAlchemy for Pandas users who don’t know SQL (the brave and the foolhardy)

Ok, so figuring out SQL (i.e. being able to connect anything I'm doing in Python to an SQL database) has been high on my list of priorities for a while. Thankfully, I finally found a NEED to figure this out recently, which drove me to learn it quickly. Below is a 'silly' example I've used … Continue reading Python: Pandas → MySQL using SQLAlchemy. A.k.a SQLAlchemy for Pandas users who don’t know SQL (the brave and the foolhardy)

Removing Twitter favorites with Python and the Twitter REST API

A friend of mine needed a quick and easy way of removing all of his favorite Tweets. Here's how to do just that using Python to access the Twitter REST API: Requirements I'm using requests along with requests-oauthlib. Instructions Create a Twitter app on your Twitter account (you'll need this to gain access to the … Continue reading Removing Twitter favorites with Python and the Twitter REST API


Following on from last week I've put together a little program that sends me Craigslist Alerts, using the module I created automated_craigslist_search. I've broken it down into 4 steps:  Set up an Amazon Web Server Run a search using automated_craigslist_search Keep a record of your previous alerts Use Cron to run your script periodically 1. Setting up … Continue reading CRAIGSLIST ALERTS, PART 2: SCRAPING CRAIGSLIST AND SENDING E-MAILS WITH PYTHON